Project information

Building a Triangle Peg Game - A Showcase of Complex Logic and Problem-Solving Skills

The Triangle Peg Game is a classic brain-teaser where the objective is to jump pegs over one another, removing them until only one peg remains.
My project involved the design and development of a digital version of the Triangle Peg Game. I used JavaScript.
I meticulously implemented the rules of the game, taking into account the possible moves and interactions between pegs. This included capturing the logic for jumps, legal moves, and end-game conditions.
Thorough testing and debugging were critical to ensure a smooth gaming experience.

Project information

Building an Original Trivia Game - A Combination of Technical, Creative, and Problem-Solving Skills.

The objective of this original game that I designed is to answer trivia questions correctly and earn points.
The sum of the two dice rolled not only determines the points but also the time available to answer each question.
This project gave me the opportunity to apply the knowledge I acquired during a 5-week immersion in learning React.
As the lead developer on this project, I not only contributed to the development but also took on responsibilities such as task assignments, and the creation of meeting agendas and reports.
Thorough testing and debugging were critical to ensure a smooth gaming experience.


After completing the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) as a team, I continued working on the project independently. I freshened up the game's visual design, upgraded the state management system, and added exciting features like a scoreboard. Users can now choose from different trivia question categories and decide the number of questions they want to tackle. I'm thrilled to present the final product—a trivia game that's not only entertaining but also customizable for endless enjoyment! Check out MVP here.

Project information

  • Project date: December 4, 2023
  • Project Status:
    In Progress...
  • View Source Code:
  • Technologies:
    React Native Elements | React Navigation | React Native Animatable | Expo SDK

Building a Note-Taking App - A Combination of User Interface and User Experience Skills.

Introducing "takenote" a personalized app crafted for efficient note-taking and goal tracking. Seamlessly capture ideas, organize thoughts, and prioritize tasks with an intuitive interface.
Easily set and reach goals by breaking them into manageable steps, all in one user-friendly platform.
This app is my dedicated space for personal growth, aligning tasks with broader objectives.
"takenote" is more than a digital companion – it's a crucial tool for organizing, staying motivated, and improving every aspect of my life journey.
Project in progress...

Project information

Building a Fake Cabin Rental App - A Combination of Technical, Creative, and Problem-Solving Skills.

Introducing "TimberStay" a fake cabin rental app.
Browse through a list of cabins, read customer reviews, and see partner acknowledgments. Features include easy rental inquiries, adding to favorites, leaving comments, contact company via email, and sharing cabin details on social networks.
This project gave me the opportunity to apply the knowledge I acquired during a 4-week immersion in learning React Native.

Project information

  • Project date: January 22, 2024
  • View Source Code:
  • Technologies:
    Node | Google Cloud Functions | RESTful API | Express | JWT | Passeport | OAuth2 | CORS | Mongoose | MongoDB Atlas

Building the backend of my note-taking app - Server-Side Development / API Design / NoSQL Database Management / Authentication and Authorization.

My note-taking app isn't just about jotting down ideas; it's about creating an intuitive, reliable, and secure platform that enhances the user experience.
The backend, often unseen but always crucial, is where the extraordinary unfolds. It is the engine that powers the entire application.
I created and worked on this project during my enrollment in the Nucamp coding bootcamp. I then presented it to the project review team, and that effort helped me graduate with honors.
I really enjoy working on backend development.
Project in progress...